DC ScopeItOut
Join us for the 20th annual DC ScopeItOut walk in Washington, DC or from your neighborhood on March 23!
No one should face colorectal cancer alone, and the Alliance's Buddy Program makes sure of it. Be matched with a buddy or become one today!
The Alliance hand-matches patients and caregivers with a buddy who has had similar experiences. With enough communication, buddies can establish a long-lasting, supportive friendship.
As a survivor or caregiver, you know better than anyone else what it is like to go through colorectal cancer. Share your experience and expertise by volunteering as a peer-to-peer buddy.
It’s scary to hear the “c” word, especially when you’re only 36. A million questions ran through Gabriel Leblanc’s mind, but only one seemed to matter. “How was I going to get through this?” Gabriel said.
Several different types of colonoscopy prep regimens are available today, including prescription and over-the-counter options. While it is important to consult your healthcare provider for guidance, it can be helpful to conduct some of your own research.
Up to 40% of cancer patients report marijuana usage to relieve or improve their symptoms. But what does the research say about weed and cancer?