A collage of various ideas for a stomaversary party.

How to throw the best stomaversary party

A collage of various ideas for a stomaversary party.

Happy Stomaversary! 

This is such an important day of your colorectal cancer journey that you should celebrate! We have put together some ideas for you on how to throw the best stomaversary party or celebrate World Ostomy Day!

World Ostomy Day is celebrated every three years on the first Saturday of October. Each celebration, there is a different theme and is an opportunity for the world to join forces to increase public acceptance of ostomies.

Download our ostomy activities guide to learn how to create the following:

Piñata: A party isn’t a party until a piñata is involved! Create a custom ostomy bag piñata and fill it with your favorite things. 

Trivia: Time for a challenge of ostomates and non-ostomates alike! The winner should definitely be proud of themselves!

Pin the Bag on the Stoma: If you love “pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey,” you will love “pin-the-bag-on-the-stoma!” It is a fun game to play with friends and family and only requires a few materials.

Stoma Cupcakes: No party is complete without cupcakes! Here are recipes for vegan icing and cake to make the perfect sweet treat!


When you throw your stomaversary party, please be sure to tag the Alliance in your pictures on social media as we would love to see them! 

Many colorectal cancer patients will have a temporary ostomy after surgery but less than 10% of patients will end up having a permanent ostomy. Find my information about ostomies here.



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