Woman golfing at a DIY event

How to fundraise and become a DIYnamo

We'll work with you to transform your passion or hobby into a fundraiser to help end colorectal cancer in our lifetime. Join us!

Woman golfing at a DIY event

What is DIY fundraising?

Creating a DIY fundraiser is crucial to raising awareness, funds, and support for ending colorectal cancer. Get inspired, then get started.

Turn on your imagination

Turn your passion into a powerful fundraiser. Think of an event idea or experience in your community.

Power up your webpage

Create your fundraiser with our toolkits and online platform. We have lots of messaging to help you tell your story.

Increase your impact

Start with a self-donation to your fundraiser, then ask your family and friends to join your cause.

man leads runners at the leslie grace 5k

Alliance Athletes

Turn fitness into fundraising. Running, spinning, working out - any fitness activity you love can make an impact and raise awareness of colorectal cancer.

three women smiling in a golf cart at event

Golf events

See the golf events that are making big swings in their efforts to raise funds and awareness for the Colorectal Cancer Alliance. Join a tournament near you!

fiercepharma COI Philadelphia event

Community events

Ask for donations in lieu of gifts and any event can become a memorable fundraiser. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or graduations to advance the Alliance’s mission.

family on a boat

Honor a loved one

Honor, memorialize, or celebrate a friend or loved one by creating a Blue Star Tribute page.

Man using laptop at desk

Facebook fundraising

Creating a Facebook Fundraiser is an easy way to tap into the power of your social network. Get started with just one click.

Why we need more DIYnamos

This year, more than 150,000 Americans will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer—a preventable disease that is fatal for more than 50,000 people every year. This fact drives us to unite as allies in efforts to support patients and families, increase funding for research, and save as many lives as possible. During the next few years, we’ve set key goals to ensure we take considerable strides in these efforts. We need your help to achieve them—because tomorrow can’t wait.™

Your event makes this possible

Make the mission to end colorectal cancer your own. Your donations help people get screened and provide critical support and resources.


Patients were individually assisted through our Helpline.


Barriers to better care were reduced by our navigators.


People were checked for CRC through Alliance initiatives.

Top resources