Cure for Carrie Fund
The Cure for Carrie Fund was established in loving memory of Carrie Dunsmore. Help us support colorectal cancer screening and research in her honor.
The Cure for Carrie Fund was established in loving memory of Carrie Dunsmore. Help us support colorectal cancer screening and research in her honor.
Carrie Dunsmore was a gifted lawyer, avid reader, lifelong lover of this country, committed wife to her husband, and proud mother to her children, Nate, Peter, and Nora.
Carrie was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer when she was pregnant with her third child, Nora, at the age of 35. Even with this diagnosis, Carrie continued writing reviews about books and her family trips to National Parks across the country, working as a lawyer, and spending time with loved ones.
“I’m going to show my family and my friends love, because I can show them now.”
Carrie squeezed out every drop of the life she lived until she passed away on August 15, 2018.
Her mother, Mary Ellen Dunsmore, is committed to helping others with colorectal cancer and continuing Carrie’s legacy with the Cure for Carrie Fund. This fund seeks to support efforts to screen individuals and research colorectal cancer. With screening, colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable cancers and is highly treatable with early detection. With more research, we will learn new ways to battle colorectal cancer, methods to extend and improve patients’ quality of life, and innovative and cost-effective screening methods.
As light I came
Into a loving family
Grew up with a love of learning
A desire to make the world a better place
As light I came
I became a lawyer a seeker of truth
As light I came
I loved people, the USA, justice
As light I came
To proclaim to the world that
Suffering and dying can bring about change
As light I came
I want to shine brightly, and through living my life to solve problems,
Find answers, CURE CANCER
As light I Came to ASK YOUR HELP
The Alliance is grateful to all who loved and supported Carrie. Your gift in her honor continues advancing screening awareness and research.
Majority of Americans say they don’t have time for colorectal cancer screening, prioritizing household chores instead of health.
Project Cure CRC by the Colorectal Cancer Alliance is driving innovation in colorectal cancer research with $10.5 million in funding, the launch of the K-SPY clinical trial, and a renewed call for groundbreaking proposals. Learn how these efforts are accelerating treatment advancements and improving patient outcomes.
Uncover key survey findings on the unmet psychosocial and physical needs of colorectal cancer patients and survivors, and learn how the Alliance is shaping better care.