Ostomy support resources
There's a lot to learn when you have a new colostomy or ileostomy. Finding support is essential, both emotionally and physically.
Support resources
Find the ostomy support you need with this resource guide.
Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society
The Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN) offers advocacy, education, and a supportive network for over 5000 members.
United Ostomy Associations of America
The United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc. (UOAA) promote "quality of life for people with ostomies through information, support, advocacy and collaboration." Their website leads to multiple tools, support groups, and other resources.
OstoMates program
The Meet an Osto Mate program has been providing support since 2006. This online community has over 30,000 members who discuss their challenges, share insights, and seek advice.
Supply cost assistance
The Convatec Ostomy Access Program offers ostomy supplies to financially eligible patients on a temporary basis. The organization also provides ostomy information regarding diet, travel, relationship, and other relevant topics.
ASCO ostomy support
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) ostomy webpages are rich with practical ostomy care tips and emotional support to help you thrive.
Alliance support programs
Our national network of survivors, navigators, and advocates stand ready to be your ally. From a 24-hour online chat room where you can connect with others to our Buddy Program for one-on-one support, we have something for everyone.
Jen's ostomy story
It’s common not to want an ostomy at first — just ask Jen. But she will also be the first to tell you how happy she is now living cancer-free with one.
How will an ostomy affect my sexual health?
Intimacy with an ostomyTop resources
Kat Sisler: From ostomy-opposed to ostomy-grateful
My cancer and ostomy journey began with a rude awakening in January 2023. My father was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at 42, and given that history, I asked my doctor at my yearly physical when I should begin screening.
Empowering lives: celebrating World Ostomy Day
Every year on the first Saturday of October, people worldwide come together to celebrate World Ostomy Day, also known as Ostomy Awareness Day. This day serves as a reminder of the resilience, strength, and courage millions of individuals display each year living with an ostomy.
How to cut and fit an ostomy wafer for a stoma
In this video, ostomate and certified patient and family support navigator Stephanie Rouse demonstrates how to cut and fit an ostomy wafer, or skin barrier, for a stoma.