New opportunities are around every corner. In the past, Colon Cancer Alliance has partnered with different organizations to collaborate in online communities with the goal of assisting as many patients and families as possible. However, in order to end this disease in our lifetime, and to truly make “blue the new pink” we need ONE united voice.
Effective today, Blue Hope Nation, the largest colorectal cancer online support group, will be the exclusive online community. With double the engagement of any other online colorectal cancer community, along with the expertise of certified patient & family navigators managing communication, Blue Hope Nation is the best place to find hope, support, and answers.
One of our strategic goals is to double the number of patients we serve over the next five years by pouring more resources into improving how we connect with families, patients and caregivers like you. We’re doubling down on providing the best support possible, through initiatives like our one on one Buddy Program, expert webinars, live chats with certified patient navigators, access to real-time clinical trials through our Clinical Trial Finder, and more. Blue Hope Nation is the ideal resource to learn about these initiatives and how they impact your life for the better.
We are proud to serve more than 1.5 million patients and families every year and we will continue to do everything we can for this community. We are an organization saving lives through prevention and cancer research.
We’d like to acknowledge Erika Brown for the work she’s done with the online community, Colontown. The Colon Cancer Alliance and Chris4Life helped support and develop Colontown and we’re proud of where they’ve come and wish them the best.
I invite you to join in our mission and participate in Blue Hope Nation and be part of the largest colorectal cancer movement out there.
Building communities and creating a safe, supportive environment is key to the success of the colorectal cancer journey. We’re so happy to be part of your journey and look forward to connecting with you in Blue Hope Nation.
P.S. We’ve listened to the Colorectal Cancer Community… Big news is coming this fall… Stay tuned for exciting updates!
Top resources

Paul Weigel: Defying an advanced-stage diagnosis
Learn how triathlete and father Paul Weigel overcame stage III colorectal cancer, wrote "Iron Dad," and inspires early detection and candid GI discussions.

Volunteer spotlight: Nancy Pope
Get to know Colorectal Cancer Alliance volunteer Nancy Pope and consider being a service to the community yourself.

Don Shippey: from stage IV to six years cancer-free after receiving HAI pump
Don Shippey was 55 years old in 2016 when he decided he’d been putting off his colonoscopy long enough.