Survivor Bob Robes to Speak at Tampa Bay Undy RunWalk

The 2020 Tampa Bay Undy RunWalk, organized by national non-profit Colorectal Cancer Alliance and local volunteers, will take place on Sunday, February 9, at Al Lopez Park.
The Undy, which includes a 5K and one-mile fun run, raises funds to end the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States among men and women combined, while honoring those affected by it.
Coral Springs resident Bob Robes will attend the event for a second year as he recovers from stage-IIIb colon cancer. In a moment that “split time,” Robes said discovering he had colorectal cancer was an out-of-body experience, especially because he had no family history of the disease.
“After the doctor tells you that you have cancer, you have that cry in the car, and you go home—then it’s, what do I tell my kids?” Robes said. “My daughters were 18 and 14 years old. We decided we’d tell them everything will be fine, but we have a fight in front of us. I just realized at that moment that I had no choice but to beat this—there is no other alternative.”
Robes wants others to know that paying attention to symptoms and being diligent about screening can prevent colorectal cancer.
“When you start seeing blood where it shouldn’t be, that’s when you have to run to your doctor,” Robes said. “You shouldn’t even think about it.”
As many as 11,310 Floridians could be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2020, according to estimates from the American Cancer Society, and more than 3,930 could die.
Even though colorectal cancer is deadly, it is also among the most preventable and treatable types of cancers. The five-year survival rate for colorectal cancer found at the local stage is 90 percent, compared to 14 percent for colorectal cancer found at distant stages.
The Undy RunWalk is a key fundraising source for the Colorectal Cancer Alliance, which seeks to end colorectal cancer in our lifetime through its initiatives to screen, care, and cure. This year, the run-walk aims to raise $50,000, which will fund national prevention, research, and patient support programs.
Patients and survivors can register for free. Individuals wishing to participate can learn more and register here:
Event details
What: 2020 Tampa Bay Undy RunWalk
Who: Colorectal Cancer Alliance
When: Sunday, February 9, from 7 to 10 a.m. (Opening remarks at 8 a.m.; race begins at 8:30 a.m.)
Where: Al Lopez Park
Registration fees
5K Adult (14 and older): $35 Advance/$40 Race Day
5K Youth (6-13): $30 Advance/$35 Race Day
One-mile Fun Run (all ages, Children 5 and younger are free): $30 Advance/$35 Race Day
Patients and survivors attend for free
Learn how triathlete and father Paul Weigel overcame stage III colorectal cancer, wrote "Iron Dad," and inspires early detection and candid GI discussions.
Allies shared their stories and the vital need to end colorectal cancer in this video presented at the national Blue Hope Bash in November 2024. The video features Bash co-chair and patient Alison Friedman.
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