Managing pain from an ostomy
An ostomy should not cause discomfort. If your ostomy becomes painful, tell your doctor right away.
An ostomy should not cause discomfort. If your ostomy becomes painful, tell your doctor right away.
Several conditions can lead to ostomy pain. Common causes include:
Skin irritation is usually due to a leak from an ostomy device. This can be painful and damaging to your skin and your stoma.
Each time you change a bag, measure the stoma and cut your wafer to the correct size (1/8" bigger than the stoma). This lets the stoma expand without getting suffocated by a wafer that is too tight.
Contact dermatitis occurs when damaged skin becomes irritated. Allergic dermatitis is a reaction to ostomy products like pouches or barrier rings. Irritant dermatitis is irritated skin from feces or certain products like pastes or solvents. Check with your care team for product options.
Mechanical irritation can cause red, weepy skin around the stoma. It may be caused by washing the skin too aggressively or removing the ostomy device too forcefully. Try holding your skin tight, and gently remove the bag by peeling the adhesive wafer downward.
A peristomal fungal infection thrives in dark, moist, and warm environments. Make sure your skin is completely dry before replacing your device. Some people use a hairdryer set to "cool," while covering the stoma with toilet paper.
Signs of a blockage include clear output, thin liquid with a strong odor, cramping near the stoma, swelling of the stoma or abdomen, and lighter urine or a decrease in darker urine.
An ostomy blockage can happen for many reasons. If you experience one, try these steps.
Swallowing food or water introduces air into ostomy pouches. Charcoal filters release this air, but if overwhelmed or wet, ballooning may occur. There are ways to limit these uncomfortable effects.
Eat and drink slowly, trying not to hurry or rush while doing so. Make sure to chew your food completely.
Adding daily probiotics to your routine balances the bacteria in your system, which can help diminish gas.
Drinking through a straw or sports cap bottle, chewing gum, smoking, and snoring may increase swallowed air.
Tilt the bag up to prevent spilling and slowly guide the air through your bag to the drain/spout. Do this in a well-ventilated area.
Partially unclip the wafer from the bag at the very top and gently push out the excess air. Do this in a well-ventilated area.
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My cancer and ostomy journey began with a rude awakening in January 2023. My father was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at 42, and given that history, I asked my doctor at my yearly physical when I should begin screening.
Every year on the first Saturday of October, people worldwide come together to celebrate World Ostomy Day, also known as Ostomy Awareness Day. This day serves as a reminder of the resilience, strength, and courage millions of individuals display each year living with an ostomy.
In this video, ostomate and certified patient and family support navigator Stephanie Rouse demonstrates how to cut and fit an ostomy wafer, or skin barrier, for a stoma.