Young-onset colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer doesn’t care how old you are, but we do. The Alliance’s Never Too Young (N2Y) Program is changing how the world sees this disease. Together, we’re increasing awareness, building a community, and learning more about young-onset colorectal cancer.

Support for younger patients and caregivers
It's easy to feel alone when you or a loved one is diagnosed with young-onset CRC, but the Alliance and our community are here for you.

Facts about young-onset colorectal cancer
Cases of young-onset colorectal cancer are increasing, but there's more to know about how this disease affects people under age 50.

Young Onset Fact Sheet
Colorectal cancer (CRC) has become a common cancer among young adults, those younger than 50 years old. Managing appointments and treatment for colorectal cancer while trying to meet other demands can feel difficult.
Seeking the help you need is important as you navigate this new life challenge. Know that you are not alone. This fact sheet, updated in partnership with Cancer Support Community, will discuss the unique challenges for a young adult diagnosed with colorectal cancer. It will provide you resources and ways to maintain your quality of life throughout treatment and into survivorship.

Ways to help prevent young-onset CRC
By knowing colorectal cancer symptoms, your family history, being healthy, and getting checked on time, the odds of preventing this disease increase.

A week for young patients and survivors
The Alliance's Young Survivors Week is an annual observance to highlight young-onset CRC stories and increase understanding.

The Never Too Young Taskforce
The Alliance convened the Never Too Young Taskforce to address the concerns of young-onset colorectal cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

Highlighting the experience of young-onset CRC
The Alliance's young-onset CRC survey report highlights the medical, psychosocial, and life experiences of patients and caregivers.
Need to talk to someone?
Call our free Helpline. Navigators will listen and discuss any concerns, from mental health and family well-being to medical questions and financial issues.
Top resources

Gabriel Leblanc: How the Alliance changed my life
It’s scary to hear the “c” word, especially when you’re only 36. A million questions ran through Gabriel Leblanc’s mind, but only one seemed to matter. “How was I going to get through this?” Gabriel said.

What are the best types of colonoscopy prep?
Several different types of colonoscopy prep regimens are available today, including prescription and over-the-counter options. While it is important to consult your healthcare provider for guidance, it can be helpful to conduct some of your own research.

Marijuana and colorectal cancer: Does weed help?
Up to 40% of cancer patients report marijuana usage to relieve or improve their symptoms. But what does the research say about weed and cancer?