Chelle 2 year NED colorectal cancer survivor

National Cancer Survivors Month

June is National Cancer Survivors Month. This month, the Alliance celebrates the millions of people who have survived colorectal cancer.

Chelle 2 year NED colorectal cancer survivor

Celebrating survivorship

Cancer survivors inspire us daily and energize our efforts to end this disease in our lifetime. We also recognize that survivorship is more than just the end of treatment — it involves navigating life's physical, emotional, and financial challenges after colorectal cancer. This is why we continue to offer comprehensive support, research funding, educational resources, and a compassionate community.

Your support honors those who have survived and are still battling this disease. We strive to amplify their voices and recommit ourselves to overcoming colorectal cancer.

June is National Cancer Survivors Month

Spread hope across social media

Take to social media to share your path with colorectal cancer and support others. Choose from a collection of copy-and-paste social media posts to amplify your story.

Get support and resources

Whether connecting you with colon and rectal cancer screening resources or our certified Patient and Family Support Navigators, we provide the support you need.

Gabriel Leblanc: the Alliance helped me become a survivor

“Screening found more than 100 polyps in my colon and I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. A million thoughts run through your mind, but only one seems to matter: How am I going to get through this?

Man wearing "Secretly hoping chemo gives me superpowers" shirt holding a big bell

With help from the Alliance, I now call myself a survivor. The Alliance provided invaluable resources and support. I felt like I was on a sheer cliff about to fall over when a patient navigator helped pull me back from the edge.

If it wasn’t for generous people funding the Alliance, I wouldn’t have received the support I so desperately needed."

Read Gabriel's story, and please give to help make more survivors.

Stories of Hope

A colorectal cancer diagnosis can be daunting, but hope endures and a happy ending is possible. Hear from people who share their own experiences and view more stories of hope from our community. Special thanks to our partner Taiho Oncology, for supporting our video stories.

Angela's story: Advocate for your health

Shauna's story: Fear, side effects, and cancer survivorship

David's story: Stage IIIc colon cancer diagnosis at 34


Young Survivors Week

Colorectal Cancer Alliance's Young Survivors Week, starting on June 2, raises awareness about young-onset colorectal cancer, which aligns with the mission of the Never Too Young Program.

Top resources